1000 Books Before Kindergarten - Newport Mesa Moms

“You can find magic wherever you look.  Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”

Dr. Seuss

There is something magical about reading to a child.  No matter how they sit there, with wide eyes, intense focus, laughing fits or even a case of ants in the pants – when read to, your child is learning about a world where words and imagination can take you places.  And when a child learns to read on their own, man – the places they can go (Dr. Seuss again 😉 ).

While you’re likely already reading to your child, why not turn it into a little game?  1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a program designed to encourage pre-grade school children to read, and read some more (with a goal of reading 1000 books before they enter Kindergarten).

Sounds fun!  How do we start?  Head on over to the Children’s room at any Newport Beach Library and register.  You will receive a free tote bag and get your first reading log.  Color in a circle on your log for every book you read with your child.  Return to the library with your completed log of 50, get a prize, and start your new log.  Repeat until you hit 1,000!

Is that even possible?  Of course it is!  Read one book a day for 3 years and you’ve read 1095 books.  Read 3 books a day for 1 year and you’re at 1095 as well.  Read something more like 10 books a week for 2 years and you’ve read 1040 books!  Go you! (Numbers by NBPL).

Ok, tell me more.  Click HERE for more details and get answers to frequently asked questions.

Can I participate at any other libraries?  You bet!  Check out 1000booksbeforekindergarten.org to find other participating libraries.  You can also check out the Orange County Public Libraries website (www.ocpl.org) for other local locations.

“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world.  Love of books is the best of all.”

Jacqueline Kennedy

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