Enter our Primal Kitchen GIVEAWAY - Newport Mesa Moms

If your kids are anything like mine, they eat a LOT of ranch dressing.  With carrots, with chicken fingers, with just THEIR fingers.  That’s why we found Primal Kitchen’s Ranch Dressing made with avocado oil.  Keep the deliciousness and let go of the guilt.  Primal Kitchen’s Ranch Dressing is soy & canola free, dairy free, sugar free, and gluten & grain free.  It is even primal & paleo approved.  Mark Sisson, founder of Primal Kitchen and author of The Primal Blueprint says he is “on a mission to make healthy eating easy and exciting by creating the world’s best-tasting, nutrient-dense sauces and dressings.”

You can find more amazing goodness online at Primal Kitchen.  But don’t take my word for it, enter our GIVEAWAY and try it for yourself.  Simply follow Newport Mesa Moms on Facebook or Instagram @NewportMesaMoms AND visit www.NewportMesaMoms.com to sign up for our monthly newsletter.  You will be automatically entered into our Primal Kitchen Giveaway which includes a bottle of Ranch Dressing, a bottle of California Extra Virgin Avocado Oil, a jar of Mayo, and four protein bars that contain 15 grams of protein (and only 3 grams of sugar) per bar.


**One Winner**

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