Have You Heard of Spookley the Square Pumpkin? - Newport Mesa Moms

It’s October!  The decorations are out, costume planning is in full gear and the weather is changing (okay maybe not quite yet).  Still, one of my favorite ways to celebrate the season is by reading The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin.  (Confession:  I actually read this book year-round.)  Written by Joe Troiano, Spookley tells the story of a pumpkin who is different.  But when a storm threatens all the pumpkins in the patch, only Spookley can save the day.  A wonderfully written tale of tolerance and acceptance, The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin will surely become a family favorite (just wait until you see what happens at the end).

And should the weather turn cold enough to snuggle by the fire, be sure to make a night of watching the movie version, NOW SHOWING on tv (check your local channel listing for Spookley the Square Pumpkin).  Slightly different than the book, the movie brings this beloved story to life.

You can find both the Book and Movie versions on Amazon (sometimes they are hard to find in stores).

Link HERE for Spookley Coloring Pages!

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