Run for Fun at the Spirit Run - Newport Mesa Moms

I am so so excited for this year’s Newport-Mesa Spirit Run taking place on Sunday, March 17th.  You may or may not have received information about the run from your local school, but if you ignored it, or don’t know about it at all, I am here to tell you it is so fun!  I had absolutely no idea what to expect last year with my then 6 and 3-year-old daughters, but it turned out to be a fantastic experience for so many reasons.

Here’s Why:

  1.  It truly is a race that kids (even little ones) can participate in.  While there are also adult 10K and 5K races, there are 1 mile, 1/2 mile, 1/4 miles and Toddler Trot options. **The Toddler Trot is very short and not on the race course.
  2.  Unless you are participating in the adult races, the children’s start times are at a totally reasonable time meaning you don’t have to get up before sunrise.
  3. You can pick up your registration packet at Blaze Pizza at Fashion Island the Friday before (March 15th) between 4:30 and 7pm and save yourself even more time on race morning.  While you are at Blaze Pizza, cross dinner off your list and Blaze will donate 20% to Spirit Run (don’t forget to tell the cashier you are a Spirit Run supporter).  **Even if you register the morning of, you shouldn’t have a problem.  There are plenty of people to help check you in.
  4. Spirit Run’s net proceeds benefit youth education and fitness.
  5. Every child that finishes a youth race will receive a Finisher’s Medal.
  6. After the race, hang out at the Camp Newport Expo conveniently located by the finish line.
  7. The kids will be exhausted and will chill for the rest of the day!

**Another reason:  the look of pride as children cross the finish line is priceless.  I actually didn’t even think my 3-year-old would participate given that she usually had to be carried everywhere!  But when she got there, got her number, and was encouraged by a friend to do the 1/4 mile race rather than the Toddler Trot, she decided to go for it.  I went ahead with my older daughter and my husband stayed back for her race.  When my oldest finished her race, I turned around to watch for my youngest, fully expecting to see her being carried by my husband.  But nope, boy did she surprise me because when I turned around, I saw her and her short little legs moving the fastest I had ever seen them go (with her poor dad running behind her in flip flops pushing a stroller).  I mean just look at her go!!!




So Here’s What You Need To Know:

Race Day Sunday, March 17, 2019.  View the Race Day Schedule

Location The Loop around Fashion Island.  View the Course Map

Parking Parking will be available adjacent to Regal Cinemas.  View Road Closures

Cost The cost varies depending on the event.  View the Spirit Run website to Register

**P.S.  I also recommend that adults wear running shoes even if you are not racing.  Depending on the age of your child, you might find that you end up running some yourself.

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