Around Town | Newport Mesa Moms

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

M.A.M.M.O.G.R.A.M.  It’s something most women dread and put off as long as possible.  Add in the COVID pandemic, and now you have another “excuse” to skip any extra doctor appointments.  But Michelle and I wanted to assure you they really are not...

The Safe Return: A First-of-Its-Kind Two-Sided Book

I recently had the opportunity to chat with the creators behind The Safe Return, a children’s picture book for kids aged 2-8 that features kids wearing masks. This book was developed to help normalize mask wearing for children during the pandemic, and through a...

Drive-Thru Halloween Haunt

The number one question from my kids during this whole coronavirus pandemic is “when will we get to go back to school,”  immediately followed by “what will Halloween look like?”  And unfortunately, I haven’t been able to answer either of...

Stuffed Animal Staycation Scrapbook Printable

If you and your family enjoyed going on bear hunts earlier this year during the pandemic, why not take that one step further and create a stuffed animal scrapbook? You probably won’t be traveling much this summer, but you can still go on a staycation around town and...

Backyard Recess: Ninja Course

With all the time we have been spending at home, and the likelihood that our backyard will be the best spot for a quick recess break in-between school zooms, we decided to upgrade our Ninja Obstacle Course with some fun new pieces of equipment.  Here are the pieces we...

Now More Than Ever: Let’s Be Kind!

It’s been a rough ride these past few months, so we wanted something to make us smile, and this girl does it with her Let’s Be Kind Movement (despite school closures).  Read on to hear first-hand from Rebekah, the 16-year-old reminding us that kindness...

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