Before your next holiday dinner, put a pot of this DIY home fragrance on your stove. It’ll instantly fill your house with warmth and joy, with none of the chemicals or fake fragrances you’ll find in some plug-ins or candles. Thank you to our contributor Kathleen...
You’ve heard all the warnings . . . holiday shopping is going to be extra difficult this year. With pandemic-related production issues and huge shipping delays, save yourself the stress and shop right here at our LOCAL & LOVED stores and boutiques. Need...
It’s the day after Halloween . . . hello sugar crash! Give us a few more days and we will all probably be ready to get our kids’ candy out of the house. There are lots of good places to donate, from shelters to dentists’ offices to the military, but we also...
You know when you meet someone for the first time and you can just tell they have a heart of gold. That was what I thought when I met Kristin Titov for the first time thru a mutual friend. She had an energy and positivity that drew me to her. And what a heart she...
Last week Michelle and I took our kids to meet Vanessa, the Community Engagement Coordinator for Project Hope Alliance. She told us that over the last year, Project Hope Alliance has not only served more kids and youth experiencing homelessness than before, but that...
Yes, ladies, unfortunately it’s true – the mere fact that you have two X chromosomes making you a woman also puts you at greater risk for developing varicose veins in your lifetime compared to men. In fact, up to 50 percent of American women may be affected at some...
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