Events - Newport Mesa Moms

Five Ingredient Friday! Apple Dumplings compliments of Anna Gass

Apple pie is great but sometimes, it’s nice to change things up and make something quick and easy.  So, in honor of Five Ingredient Friday, I bring you apple dumplings!  Five ingredients; pop them in an hour before dinner and you will have yourself a lovely,...

Have You Heard of Spookley the Square Pumpkin?

It’s October!  The decorations are out, costume planning is in full gear and the weather is changing (okay maybe not quite yet).  Still, one of my favorite ways to celebrate the season is by reading The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin.  (Confession:  I...

Magic & Mayhem Halloween Boutique Now Open at Roger’s Garden

Stop by Roger’s Garden and enter a world of Magic and Mayhem.  The Halloween Boutique is open now thru Saturday, October 28th at 6:00 pm.  The Haunting is free.  Drop by The Owl Post – General Store, Weezer’s Joke Emporium, Wykeham’s Wizarding...

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